
What Is Male Infertility?

Infertility in men is a growing concern, as it hinders their ability to naturally impregnate their female partner. Despite the misconception that infertility is solely a female issue, male partners can also contribute to a couple’s difficulty in conceiving, even if the female partner is in excellent health. The causes of male infertility are diverse, ranging from genetic factors to lifestyle habits, and can be quite challenging to pinpoint. The good news is that there are natural treatment options available, offering hope to men suffering from infertility. With the right approach, many men can reverse their condition and achieve their dream of starting a family.


What Happens In Male Infertility Treatment (Diagnosis)

An individual must go through a comprehensive examination before deciding to receive treatment for infertility. Depending on the findings of the physical evaluation, the fertility expert may now suggest a different form of test. Before beginning treatment for male infertility, the following procedures are typically recommended:

  • Physical examination

An initial male fertility examination includes a medical history, physical examination, general hormone tests, lifestyle and sleeping pattern which measure healthy sexual life. And also include blood and urine examination, including postprandial sugar.

  • Semen Analysis

A common test for male infertility that aids in determining the precise reason of the disease is a semen analysis test. A man must provide a sample of his semen in a sterile cup as part of a semen gathering procedure for further analysis. The next stage entails investigating the shape, concentration, and mobility of the sperm in addition to their number. All these factors combined allow doctors to determine whether or not you can conceive a child.

  • Other Test

In-depth analyses of hormones, fructose content, and microscopic studies may also be performed when advised by the doctor.


Male Infertility – Types Of Treatments

Ayurvedic Opinion specializes in using Shodhan and Shaman for Male Infertility Treatment in Delhi, India. In Shodhan, the patient is treated with Panchakarma treatment, and in Shaman, the patient is treated entirely with herbal medicine.

Our goal is to give millions of people the joy of becoming parents through the Panchkarma method of Ayurveda, particularly in infertility treatment. Panchakarma therapy is divided into three stages. As-

Poorva Karma
This is the first step in the body’s process of flushing out toxins from the stomach and tissues and allowing them to pass into the oesophagus.This includes procedures.

  • Pachana: In the first stage of purvakarma, a herbal mixture is given to the patient. These help the body digest and excrete the mangoes, giving the patient quick relief from ailments.
  • Snehana/Abhyanga: oleation therapy, which is done for three to seven days. Assist in the relaxation of the mind and body.
    Swedanam (Pashchat Karma): In this therapy, the toxins are easily excreted through the sweat of the patient. 

  • Panchakarma treatment

 Panchakarma treatment has shown to bring the deranged doshas back on track. Panchakarma treatment for male infertility are:

  1. Vaman- Therapeutic Medicine induced Emesis Therapy
  2. Virechan- Therapeutic Medicine induced Purgation Therapy
  3. Uttar Basti- Fertility Therapy
  4. Nasya- Nasal Admin.of any Ayurvedic drugs
  5. Raktamokshan- 

Panchakarma treatment is suggested not only for fertility improvement but also for the management of sperm abnormalities that lead to infertility. Along with abhyanga, shirodhara, marma therapy, and pinda swedana, these are all beneficial for increasing sperm count and motility.

  • Pashchat Karma

Paschat Karma focuses on post-treatment care. This includes some rejuvenation treatments and chemotherapy, lifestyle management, diet management, intake of herbal supplements, etc.


  1. Sansarjan Karma (Dietary Changes After Detox)
  2. Shaman therapy (herbs and changes in lifestyle management)
  3. Improving Fertility through Yoga

  • Ayurvedic Medicines

 In Ayurvedic terms, dravya denotes the medicine or drug used for treatment. Certain dravyas are used to treat male infertility by providing Balya (those that increase body strength), brumhana (those that provide necessary nutrition to the body), and vrishya (those that increase fertility).

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