Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Disease

Skin diseases are one of the most  commonly found disorders in the current scenario. It can be genetic, hormonal, allergic, etc. Nowadays people are well aware of causes and the effects. So to ensure the natural beauty of your skin one should opt nature, so is ayurveda. Ayurveda gives the best opinion and result in this regard. We are glad to help you out. Trust us to provide personalized care that addresses your unique needs. 

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Ayurvedic Doctor for Skin Disease Treatment in Delhi

Skin care is an essential aspect of overall wellness of your personality that requires attention and care. Ayurvedic Opinion specializes in using Shodhan and Shaman for Ayurvedic Doctor for Skin Disease Treatment in Delhi, India. In Shodhan, the patient is treated with Panchakarma treatment with its purvakarma swedan chikitsa, and in Shaman, the patient is treated entirely with ayurvedic medicine.

Our goal is to be committed in bringing the joy of glowing disease free skin to millions of people by utilizing the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and its powerful Panchakarma therapy. Our skin  treatment program is designed to provide a natural and holistic approach for skin care, helping people build their morals high, pursuing a better self confidence. Our Panchakarma therapy is a comprehensive three-stage process that involves a range of natural treatments to cleanse the body and promote overall well-being. The process is as follows:

Psoriasis Treatment


Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp...

Fungal Infection

Fungal Infection

Fungal infections are also known as mycosis, are diseases caused by a fungus (yeast or mold). ...

Vitiligo Leucoderma

Vitiligo (Leucoderma)

Vitiligo is a chronic (long-lasting) autoimmune disorder that causes patches of skin to lose pigment or color....



A rash of round, red welts on the skin that itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous swelling, caused by an allergic reaction, typically to specific foods...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis

Breathe easily with ayurveda's specialized treatment for child asthma and address the underlying imbalances in the body to provide lasting relief.

Cerebral Palsy Child

Cerebral Palsy Child

Find a permanent solution for early puberty with Ayurveda- Naturally enhance your child's development and well-being with holistic techniques.

childhood asthma

Child Asthma

Transform your child's skin problems naturally with ayurvedic techniques- say goodbye to rashes, acne, warts, birthmarks, and more for optimal health.

Child Epilepsy

Child Epilepsy

Find a permanent solution for speech delayed and relief with a holistic approach and improve overall health without harmful side effects.

Swaran Prasan

Swaran Prasan

Find a permanent solution for speech delayed and relief with a holistic approach and improve overall health without harmful side effects.

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Patient Testimonials

“HEY, I have been suffering from urticaria since my puberty. But it was not permanent. It occurs randomly when I go with some selective fast foods,it is allergic but not with any particular item. I was unable to choose between what to eat and what not to.Tired of taking different medicines I opted for personalized care from ayurveda. Surprisingly, it resulted positively.
Sanjay Gupta
“Thanks to ayurveda and its natural remedies which have helped me have such smooth and clear skin. The ayurvedic sweden treatment has glorified my skin so well. I recommend every individual to try this once in life.”
Aditi Sharma
“Hello, I was a patient suffering from fungal infection for the past 3 years,then my relative suggested that I visit the ayurvedic clinic near their locality. It was so satisfying on the first visit. The ayurvedic practitioner delightly convinced my soul that i will be cured soon, so did his treatment.
Aditi Sharma

Frequently Asked Questions

Acne is a common issue for many individuals today. Drinking an adequate amount of water per day might help you a lot in removing toxins. Generally taking care of cleanliness can just improve your skin health. Wash your face twice a day. Avoiding excess oily food,especially junk food can reduce your acne. No need to worry more about it, here we go with various solutions for your blemishing skin. Every individual belongs to a different skin tone,varying environment with varying habits. Just contact us or any other practitioner to go through your personal skin care and treatment accordingly.

Skin disorders are easy to spot but it's difficult to diagnose. The symptoms of skin disorders are easily visible,but the task is to find cause along with treatment. It's obvious one should visit medical staff for particular details regarding his/her problems. Medical testing will ensure the proper diagnosis.
Consume healthy food, intake of water should be proper throughout the day,exercise daily,laugh aloud so as to distend your facial muscles,etc. Glowing skin is a result of proper digestion,happiness of the soul, relaxed mindset and toxin free body.
Skin is the most easily affected organ as it lies on the outer surface of our body which is directly in contact with the external environment. To pursue good skin care is important for its wellness as well as beauty. A clear and bright skin gives you more self confidence.